Roadblocks, detours, setbacks…these are all challenges we work to avoid in life. Barriers will always exist in anything you try to accomplish. Identifying potential challenges ahead of time and having a plan in place will help you succeed. The journey to a healthy lifestyle takes time, patience, support, and COMMITMENT. And who isn’t terrified of that word?
Are you ready to lose weight? First of all, you must commit to the plan (attitude and all). Keep one of my favorite quotes handy by Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t— you’re right.” Your attitude has to be in line with your goals and you have to truly believe that you can succeed.
Let’s identify the goals you would like to accomplish or things you would like to change. Change occurs naturally only if it is the path of least resistance. Therefore, we want to make healthy eating and weight management the path of least resistance. You may be thinking, “Where in the world do I even begin?”
Select 2-3 goals at one time to commit to. Identifying your goals should be the easy part. Making these goals specific, attainable, and forgiving may be a bit more challenging. For example:
“Be more active” is not specific.
“Walk five miles every day” is specific but if you are just starting, this may be too ambitious (not attainable or forgiving).
“Walk 30 minutes every day” is more attainable, but what will you do if you work late or there is a thunderstorm during your walk time?
“Walk 30 minutes five days each week” is specific, attainable, and forgiving. This is a goal that you can live with.
Commit to a plan of execution by:
Many people have a fear of failure that may cause them to put off change. Accept that change can go wrong and it won’t always be easy. Commitment gradually gets easier once reservations of fears lessen.
Identify Barriers and potential setbacks. After you set your goals you will identify some challenges right away (others may take some time). Think of it like a speed bump or traffic jam in the car of life - if you don’t normally go that route, you don’t know what is coming up ahead!
Barriers are anything that cause you to slip up in your goal. When you hit a barrier, it’s important to reach out for support from your family, friends, doctors, community, etc. Slip ups are normal so expect them, but look back at your plan to stay on track. Think outside your comfort zone and get creative with how you will keep going.
For example, if your goal is healthy eating habits, here are some questions to ask yourself:
Identifying these barriers now and having a plan in place will help to successfully replace the bad habits with the good.
Set small rewards along the way. It’s nice to achieve a goal and some would say that is reward enough. But just imagine if you were looking forward to a trip to Honolulu or, more realistically, a relaxing massage. Planning a treat will help you look forward to reaching your goal with even greater anticipation and focus. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Author: Sarah Bryant MS RD CLT
Sarah is a Los Angeles, CA event representative for Diet to Go. She holds a Master's in Dietetics and Health from Sam Houston State University and a Bachelor's in Dietetics from University of Kentucky. Sarah is also a Certified LEAP Therapist. Eating behaviors and nutrition have become her growing passion over the years. Nutrition plays such an integral role in one's health.
Sarah enjoys taking her dogs (Alvin and Winnie) to the dog park, traveling, and being active in group exercise classes or hiking. Supporting people while they make changes towards a healthier lifestyle is what she looks forward to the most in her career. Exercise along with healthy behaviors and eating habits can help individuals feel better physically and mentally. She strives to facilitate people to the best of her ability while they strive towards healthy lifestyle goals. Some words to live by: A positive thought equals positive change. Patience is key.