It used to be that February was the month for us hopeless romantics to open our hearts and profess our love for those special people in our life. Now that February is also National Heart Month, its also a good time to turn our attention inward and to pay special attention to the amazing organ that keeps us alive and tickin! The heart of the matter if you eat a healthy diet and follow a regular fitness regimen you can keep your heart beating properly for years to come. Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control...
Attitude, whether positive or negative, is contagious; so what type are you spreading? Being negative takes extra energy you could otherwise be channeling into your favorite pursuits. Instead of sowing discord wherever you go, learn how to cultivate tolerance instead of impatience; optimism rather than pessimism; and gratitude versus an ungrateful spirit. Here's how to get started. 1. Stop negative thoughts in their tracks. Smother your feelings of pessimism, self-doubt, complaining, whining, and general negativity as they're born, or they're likely to take over your life and poison your relationships. 2. Stop worrying about everything. Instead of worrying about things you can't control, create...
This week's theme is to mentally prepare for weight loss. Nothing happens until you are in the correct frame of mind. We have all been distracted with the election, the economy and elevated stress levels. This can trigger the habit of using food as a way to calm fear of being out of control. This fear feeds off of the negativity that is being perpetuated by worrying and talking about how bad things are. It grows until stress, fear and self doubt are normal. The world may say this is normal, but I'm sorry -- if that' the case,...
Special for Diet-to-Go Renewal has never been portrayed to me quite as vividly as during my first flying experience aboard a 747 jet. The delayed flight, due to rain, plunged my spirits. Finally, the engines roared to life and I felt myself raised up, up until we lifted from earth. Outside the windows, the clouds swallowing me were gray and angry, painting my emotions desolate. Then, a remarkable thing happened. Suddenly, we burst free of the dark clouds, into glorious sunshine and a sky so blue and clear I could see to infinity. Joy! I've never before nor since...