Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. Avoid the 7 Worst Dieting Excuses

    Dieting excuses are like snowflakes -- they're all different and they all melt the moment you turn up the heat on them! Let's take a look at 7 common excuses for not dieting. 1. I love good food! So? The person who uses this excuse is the same person who equates dieting with deprivation. The word DIET is a noun for the food we eat. It's not supposed to be a verb that means we need to actively cut things out of our menu. Good food will keep you on a weight loss plan. More than likely, it's your portions that kill your diet... not the foods you eat. So cut back, don't cut out! 2. I have tried dieting so many times and I'm always falling back to my old eating habits before I've reached my weight loss goal. You may have tried a diet -- or maybe 10 -- but you haven't tried changing all the factors that caused you to gain weight. The food we eat is only one of many issues. You need to also look at your habits such as your lack of activity and the way you deal with emotions. 3. I can't do my work when I am starving! You fill up not out on good foods. And your brain will actually work better when it doesn't have all kinds of junk like preservatives and saturated fat running through it. It's really a no-brainer. A good diet will make you more active and more productive, not hungry and brain dead. 4. It's a tradition for my family and me to hit Ruby Tuesday's on a Friday night! So? Who says you can't dine out when you diet? Variety, my friends, is the spice of life. Give that up and you doom yourself to jump ship and blow your diet. Savvy dieters know good food lurks just about everywhere. Yes, even at a Ruby Tuesday's -- just be sure to avoid menu items like the line of Colossal Burgers! Enjoy your family night out... but remember it's meant to be a time for fun and friendship, not an excuse to pig-out. 5. I love a glass or two of cold beer after dinner. Again, no one ever said you need to give up a food or drink to lose weight and get healthy. If you drink beer, make sure you switch to light beer... and stick with one or two small ones. That way you can burn off the extra calories with an evening stroll or some other activity. This plan works for wine drinkers and those who prefer mixed drinks. The latter group needs to watch what they mix their favorite liquor with. If you don't have a medical condition or drinking problem, CHEERS! Some studies show a drink or two actually has medicinal value. So clink glasses and drink to your health if the spirit moves you! 6. I travel a lot and rely on hotel or restaurant food many days. See Excuse #4. A combination of knowledge and better eating habits will allow you to stay on track no matter where you lay your head at night. Plus most restaurants will supply nutritional information about the foods they serve. Ask for it and steer clear of heavy sauces, deep-fried foods and the dreaded bread basket! 7. I know a lot of fat people who seem to be very happy - why can't I just be happy with my weight too? Can you be happy knowing your extra weight puts you at greater risk for a smorgasbord of medical problems including heart disease, diabetes and stroke? Can you be happy with a wardrobe that doesn't fit... or theater or airline seats you need to wedge yourself into? Can you be happy not being able to play with your kids or grandkids without huffing and puffing and turning a frightening shade of red? I didn't think so.

    Author: John McGran

    Archived posts 2009
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