Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. Book Nook: Tasty Ways to Get More Veggies in Your Diet

    Ever feel like you aren't getting enough veggies in your daily diet? How about your kids -- can you get the youngsters to enjoy a variety of nature's bounty?

    If you answered yes to question one and no to question two, you need a little help from my good friend Patty James, co-author of More Vegetables, Please! (New Harbinger).

    Patty's enjoyable new book provides more than 100 easy and delicious recipes for eating healthy foods each and every day!

    Patty is currently traveling coast-to-coast in an RV. Why? It's a project "to ascertain the real world lives of American kids and their families so as to know how to proceed with teaching modules and educational information in the future."

    You go girl! Happy, safe trails!

    Meanwhile, here are Patty's answers to the 7 questions posed by Diet-to-Go editor John McGran.

    1. So what possessed you to write a book about veggies?

    I believe that eating vegetables is the key to good health and most Americans are woefully shy of the recommended 5-9 servings a day. Veggies offer dietary fiber and a variety of nutrients not available anywhere else. I wanted to give people some familiar, and some new, recipes with ways to add More Veggies, Please!

    2. Why are veggies so important anyway? Can't I get the nutrients I need from vitamins and supplements?

    Although supplements are necessary for many and are good insurance, they are not a substitute for food. Fresh vegetables offer dietary fiber, more enzymes and, of course, the pleasure of eating them.

    3. There are different categories of vegetables? What are they and which ones are best/worst... or good/better/best?

    There are starchy and non-starchy vegetables, cruciferous veggies and leafy greens. They're all important for good health. The most consumed vegetable in America is potatoes in the form of French fries. Although a nice baked potato offers potassium, vitamin C and antioxidants, one vegetables does not offer all the nutrients that you need.

    Mix it up! You should be eating two-thirds of your veggies in the form of non-starchy veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, zucchini and leafy greens such as kale, chard, collard greens and spinach. The other third can be in the form of starchy veggies such as potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes and other winter squash.

    4. Why won't kids eat veggies -- why does it seem like they are born to turn their nose up at veggies?

    Kids, or anyone for that matter, really don't like overcooked veggies and I have not had a problem feeding kids veggies when they properly cooked. Remember that they look for your reaction! Be a good veggie role model. Eat your veggies and they will too! Start them young and offer lots of choices.

    5. Why are there so many overweight kids?

    Big question, but a fairly simple answer. Kids eat too much of the wrong kinds of food and don't exercise enough. It really is that simple.

    Offer sensible portions, lots of veggies and have them get away from the computer and video games and go outside and play or if that is not possible, go to a local Boys and Girls Club or other such organization and play.

    6. What are three tips for getting more veggies into your daily meals -- and for getting your kids to eat them!?

    Here can be a typical day: Sauté some onions, garlic and peppers in a pan, then add the eggs and some fresh spinach leaves. On that sandwich for lunch (the bread should be 3 grams of fiber or more per slice) be sure to add lettuce and/or sprouts. Serve with a piece of fruit and some carrot and celery sticks. Dinner can be a small chicken breast (if you eat meat) with a little brown rice and half that plate could be roasted veggies. I don't know of any kid who doesn't like roasted veggies. Again, you set the example.

    7. What are your 5 favorite -- and popular with kids -- veggie recipes?

    You can find the recipes for these in More Vegetables, Please!:

    1. Veggie Bake
    2. Macaroni and Cheese with Veggies
    3. Chicken Soup with Veggies
    4. Red Pepper "Cheese" Dip w/Raw Sliced Veggies
    5. Roasted Roots

    To find out more about Patty James or to get a copy of More Vegetables, Please!, go to The tasteful tome is also available at your local bookseller or at

    Patty James is a Certified Natural Chef with a Master's degree in Holistic Nutrition. Patty was founder and director of the Patty James Cooking School and Nutrition Center, the first certified organic cooking school and nutrition center in the country.

    Author: John McGran

    Archived posts 2010
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