What could be a more powerful motivator than earning actual cash to lose weight? (Dubai officials certainly thought it might work. After all, they recently announced that they would pay people who lost weight actual gold.) With so many people in this world being classified as overweight or obese (rates have nearly doubled since the 1980s), something’s gotta give, right?
That’s why paying people for the pounds they drop is quickly gaining popularity. In fact, a study published last spring showed that people who are offered money in exchange for weight loss are more likely to succeed and maintain than those who aren’t given any incentive.
Ready to find out how you can partake and earn cash for the pounds you drop? We thought so! Here’s a list of the most epic weight loss incentive programs.
With nearly 90 percent of employers offering corporate wellness programs nowadays, it’s an opportunity you shouldn’t pass up. Businesses will spend an average of $521 per employee – giving you the opportunity to earn rewards and line your pockets just by making wholesome changes.
- Lower costs for health premiums
- Cash for participation
- Health screenings – doctor’s visits, questionnaires
- Educational/Awareness – classes, pamphlets
- Fitness activities – including classes, gym workouts, outdoor sports
- Progress-based incentives – track changes for real rewards
*Check with your employer to see if it participates in a corporate wellness program and how you can sign up.
You’re much less likely to give up when you put your own, hard-earned cash on your weight loss goals. That’s the idea behind bets. Placing a wager on it will keep you strongly motivated, and give you the opportunity to get way more back – just by staying on-track.
- Risk your own cash - if you win, you can reap a huge reward.
- Social – Join in with others fighting the same battle for motivation and support.
DietBet: Place a bet (for example $25). If you meet your weight loss goal, you split the pot with everyone else who did too. Since some people won’t meet it, you have a great chance of earning more money than you put down.
HealthyWage: Pay a fee for the chance to double your money by losing weight, or join a group challenge to win even more.
** Start Your Own: Gather a group of friends and place bets - the person who loses the most weight wins!
Ah yes, nothing fuels change quite like some major competition. Pair that with cash, and you’ve got yourself a fat-melting home run. One study actually showed that putting competition and cash together will likely get you three times the success rate.
- Win prizes and/or cash for meeting your weight loss goals.
- Competition with others will drive you to do even better.
WeightLoss Wars: Create a weight loss competition challenge. Motivate and compete with each other for cash prizes. Join in on another competition.
SkinnyYo: Track your progress as you compete with others in custom health and weight loss challenges.
You’ve already made the decision to drop the pounds. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for one of these programs and earn cash for the weight you get rid of forever.
Author: Caitlin H
Diet-to-Go Community Manager
Caitlin is a journalist by trade and an avid runner. She is passionate about maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle and encouraging people to engage in common-sense eating. Caitlin believes in living a well-rounded life, to include balancing time with family, friends, fitness and food.