Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. Fall in love with Fall!

    Fall is such a fantastic time of the year. Sure, summer’s gone and with it’s abundance of fresh fruit, summer vacations and long, warm days. But just because it gets dark earlier and the temperatures are starting to drop, that’s no reason to hibernate. There are so many wonderful things about this time of year, you won’t be able to help but fall in love with Fall!

    Fall colors can improve your mood

    The changing leaves aren’t just pretty to look at, but they can also make you feel good. Research has shown that yellow is associated with happiness and optimism while red and orange are both stimulating shades. So the next time you want a quick mood boost, take a stroll in a local park or around your neighborhood and soak in the colors of the season.

    Fall temperatures can improve your fitness

    Fall is the perfect time to get moving outside. No sweltering summer heat, fewer bugs and the colors, we can’t forget the beautiful colors, make this time of year ideal for walking, hiking, running and biking: just being outside and moving.

    With school back in session, this is also the time of year when many fitness clubs and recreation centers start their Fall sessions of classes. Sign up now and try something new. You may end up discovering your new passion.

    Fall foods are delicious and nutrient-packed

    Fall is harvest time and the eating is good and healthy. You’ve got wonderfully healthy and tasty pumpkins, apples, acorn squash, pears and so much more. It’s fun to experiment in Fall with making different soups, stews and slow cooked meals. With the variety available this time of year, comfort food doesn’t have to be fattening.

    Fall means football

    Even if football isn't your favorite pastime, there's no denying football games are a lot of fun for many this time of year. Whether it's a bunch of friends tossing around the ball in the park, a get-together at a friend's house to watch the big game, or a solitary day of armchair quarterbacking, Fall and football go together. Fortunately with just a little planning you can enjoy the game and the tailgating without it being a diet disaster. 

    Fall means extra sleep

    At Diet-to-Go we’ve talked about the importance of getting adequate sleep. We know that getting enough sleep helps us be more focused, stave off illness and keeps our eating in check, which is a big part of why we love Fall. Fall is the ideal setting for getting a good night’s sleep. The nights are longer and cooler and we even get a “bonus” hour of sleep with Daylight Savings Time taking affect in November.

    Fall is lovable but fleeting

    From harvest festivals, to apple picking, to the simple joy of looking at a view filled with color, Fall is a wonderful time of the year! Go ahead and let yourself fall in love. But don’t delay, Fall may be lovable, but it's fleeting.

    Author: Sue Ridgeway

    Surviving the Holidays
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