Whether you love Facebook or hate it, there’s one thing we can’t deny: almost everyone is on it. In fact, the Pew Research Center‘s Internet Project found that in September of 2013, 71% of all adults online used Facebook. Given that it’s more than a year later since that survey was completed, you can bet that number is on the rise. While it’s fun to see the latest baby pictures from your friend and who’s mastering Candy Crush, these 10 pages will give you great content about food, fitness, and healthy living. Check them out and give ‘em a “Like” if you like what you see.
Gina, the creator of the Skinny Taste blog and now author of a best-selling cookbook shares links to her yummy recipes and beautiful food photography on her Facebook page. All of her recipes are health conscious, with real ingredients and easy instructions. Try a dish she recently shared, Parmesan roasted green beans!
If you’re looking for the type of health-related news stories that are informational but not boring, Everyday Health is the place to be. With articles like Is chocolate truly a health food? and The Pros and Cons of a Bad Mood, there’s a little something for everyone, every day. Use it to break up your work day – we won’t tell your boss.
The Fit Bottomed Girls are on a mission to show the people of this world that being healthy doesn’t have to be boring. Multiple bloggers share snippets of their daily lives as it relates to health, for example, one post is taking a peek in the writer’s fridge, while another links to seven pregnancy workouts.
Over 1.2 million people have given a thumbs-up to Prevention Magazine’s Facebook page, and it’s easy to see why. Articles linking to subjects like Six things to never say to people trying to lose weight, and simple but inspiring quotes make this a Facebook page you won’t get sick of seeing updates from.
Sure, sure, Alton Brown’s Facebook page may not be entirely focused on healthy eating, but you do have to admit that selfie he took with a doughnut was pretty good. Alton shares snapshots from his travels on the road, as well as tips in the kitchen (like how to prep a Thanksgiving Turkey). What else can you expect? Gems from famous foodies, like this one from Miss Piggy that’s sure to make you smile: “Never eat more than you can lift.”
You may know Cassey Ho’s Blogilates as the authority on fun pilates workouts to the latest Top 40, but on her Facebook page you’ll find more than just workouts. Cassey also shares weight loss tips and colorful drawings that will make you smile, like this one:
Want to know which six foods fight belly bloat? Or how about eight pressure points that can nix pain? Fitness magazine has both of those reads and more, and even throws in the occasionally girly delight with things like low-cost manicure ideas and gym-friendly pony tails. You’ll feel like a subscriber without the subscription, as evidenced by the fact that most of their posts have been shared over 200 times.
The Natural News Facebook page will share the kind of information you won’t necessarily find in mainstream news, with hot topics like GMO additives and near-death experiences. While these more expanded topics aren’t for everyone, there’s interesting health and wellness information, like why sunflower seeds are a great addition to your diet, and how a natural grape compound could help overweight men build bone density. Give it a “like” and see how you like your news natural.
One problem you might run into on Facebook is even though you “like” an official page, you don’t like how the page posts what seems like a million updates every day. Men’s Fitness has it figured out – even though they post several times per day, the updates are short and to the point. There’s no frilly sales messaging and almost 2.5 million people “Like” what Men’s Fitness has to say. From the potential pitfalls of a dinner coated with hot sauce to four ways to build freakish shoulders, Men’s Fitness can help you get or stay fit.
Hungry Girl specializes in making yummy, traditionally bad-for-you treats with a lighter flair. One recent makeover she did was with a Pumpkin Whoopie Pie, using low-cal items like Vita Tops and pumpkin puree. Hungry Girl has published several best-selling recipe books, and her Facebook page is a mix of recipes, food swaps, and behind the scenes photos from creator Lisa Lillien’s life. Visit her Facebook page, but don’t be surprised if you get hungry!
Have you “liked” our Facebook page? We share updates from the Diet to Go Community, and we give you the chance to win free meals. Stop by and give us a “Like!”
What other Facebook Pages can you add to this list? We’d love to know your favorites!
Author: Alyssa Curran
Alyssa Curran does social media by day and tweets pictures of her cats and food by night. When she’s not hanging out on social media, she’s writing on the Double Chin Diary, buying nail polish, or perpetually trying to get in shape.
Follow Alyssa @lyssacurran or @doublechindiary, or on Facebook here.