Every week, we're bringing you the best - the most interesting, exciting and informative news, articles, studies and blog postings from the week before. Whether you would rather listen to all the general information about happenings around the country, partake in some celebrity gossip, expand you knowledge about scientific research in health and fitness, or connect with another person on a similar journey towards leading a wholesome life, we've got you covered.
We scour the web for the choicest material and consolidate it all in one place so you don't have to. Enjoy!
“Mourning, resolve and quest for answers after deadly Boston Marathon bombs”
via: CNN
By: Greg Botelho
The tragedy of two bombs exploding at last Monday’s Boston Marathon is still fresh in all of our minds. Check out this article about the victims, updates on suspects and why this senseless attack is not only sad and enraging, but also unique.
"One Boston Marathon suspect killed; second suspect, his brother, on loose after firefight"
via: NBC News
Police shot and killed one of the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings after the two Russian suspects shot and killed one officer and led police on a chase that resulted in another officer being seriously injured. The suspects all threw bombs out the window, and the younger managed to evade capture. Get the whole story by clicking the link below.
**You can also visit CNN.com for the latest updates and coverage on the Boston Marathon tragedy.
“Devastated Father honors ‘fitness freak’ son who tragically died while running a marathon”
via: Express
By: Giles Sheldrick
After the tragic attack on Boston Marathon runners last Monday, marathon-running is stealing the national spotlight. This article looks at a devastated fathers’ event to honor his son, a 23-year-old man who collapsed and died of a heart attack while running a 26.2-miler in Brighton, England.
“Cat that ate McDonald’s for a year rescued by [Animal Rights Activists]”
via: UPI.com
At a New Zealand McDonald’s location, staff decided that adopting an abandoned kitten would be a good idea. The only problem? All they fed it was McDonald’s food, notorious for being high in fat, sodium, sugar and more. An animal group stepped in and rescued the cat, but they reported that it took quite a while to transfer the cat to a healthier diet. Sound familiar to a struggle many fast-food-addicted Americans might encounter?
“Poverty Food is the Diet of Choice. Our Choice.”
via: Independent UK
By: Rose Prince
With one in 4 Britons obese (only a little better than the 1 in 3 Americans who are obese), the “Cuban” diet is gaining interest. In the early 1990s, the Cubans lost weight due to a chronic shortage in food. Strangely, rather than “starving,” the Cubans actually lost weight and were healthier than when food was plentiful. Check out this interesting opinion piece on why this new diet craze (which involves shortening the food supply) joins other fad diets as unrealistic and unattainable.
“Nutrition: Restaurants don’t always meet nutritional guidelines with kids’ meals”
via: Daily News: Los Angeles
By: LeeAnn Weintraub
After a recent study found that a staggering 97 percent of kids’ meals STILL don’t meet healthy nutrition guidelines (despite the growing obesity rates among children), people are starting to fight back. Here’s one interesting piece about the problem, complete with tips on how to help your family eat more healthily while dining out.
“How Kelly Osbourne Lost 70 Pounds: Her Diet and Workout Tricks Revealed”
via: Radar Online
THe daughter of superstar Ozzy Osbourne lost over 70 pounds recently, and this article gives you all the insight on how she did it. From eating her “fattiest” meal in the morning, to dressing up for the gym and more, Kelly’s unorthodox tips may be just the ticket for you to overcome your plateaus and get back to the gym.
“The weight loss debate: Do men really shed pounds faster than women?”
via: Hearld-Mail.com
By: Marie Gilbert
If you’re a woman who has ever tried to lose weight with your husband, a male friend or a significant other, than you very likely have noticed that it seems to be much easier for him to drop the pounds than you. But is that really scientifically true, or just in your head? Yep. Men, in fact, DO burn calories more quickly than women. Read all about it here.
“My Favorite Running Moments...”
Blondes Have More Run
By: Kayla Meyer
Ever had that amazing fitness moment where you realize that even though you’re tired, if you wait just long enough into a workout, the fatigue goes away and you suddenly find yourself doing more than you even thought possible? Kayla did, and she explains how it’s moments like that that give her a deep love of running. A great, motivational post to remind yourself that by not giving up, you may hit your stride in the end.
“Confessional: Weigh-In Hunger”
{Not So} Suddenly Susan
By: Susan Miller
If you’ve ever tried to shift towards a healthier lifestyle, you know that it can be tough - really tough - to get your mind in-tune with what your body really needs versus what it wants. Well, you’re definitely not alone. Susan discusses her struggle with getting herself back on-track and separating real hunger from emotional hunger in this relatable blog post.
“5 Things I Swore I Would Never Do ... That I Do”
Mama Break
By: Jonna Ziniel
Remember years ago when you promised yourself that you wouldn’t do certain things, no matter what? And then, life hit, and you likely realized that not doing those things wasn’t going to happen quite the way you thought it would. Jonna’s list of things she does now that she thought she would never do will definitely have you chuckling as you think about all the things you too promised yourself you would never do, but have had to do anyway.
“Smartphone App Can Improve Weight Loss”
via: TechNewsDaily
By: Leslie Meredith
In a recent study by researchers at the University of Leeds, participants who use a Smartphone App to track their food intake and workout results lost more weight than those who logged in a traditional, paper journal. Why? Researchers postulate the biggest reason is likely due to the fact that Smartphone apps keep a more accurate, comprehensive record and allow users to see exactly what they’re putting in their body.
“Western-style diet may lead to an early death”
The American Journal of Medicine
via: Indian Express
A study of almost 5,500 British men revealed something we should have long-been suspicious of anyway - that a “Western” diet, high in fats, sodium, sugar and other unhealthy ingredients, leads to slower cognitive development and a lesser ability to age well. Yet another reason why giving up the American soul food (or at least limiting it) might not be such a bad idea.
“High heart rate at rest linked to increase risk of death”
Copenhagen Male Study
via: ZeeNews.com
Irrespective of physical fitness, researchers wanted to see if people who consistently were found to have a high resting heart-rate were more likely to die than those who didn’t. After studying just under 3,000 men for over 16 years, the researchers found that men with a higher resting heart-rate doubled, and even tripled, their risk of an earlier death.
“Exercise, diet may keep sleep apnea from worsening”
via: Reuters
People who are overweight or obese may be much more likely to suffer from sleep apnea, a disease that makes breathing while asleep more difficult. But researchers found after a one-year study that obese people who improve their lives through diet and exercise were more likely to see a long-term benefit of reduction in their sleep apnea.
Author: Caitlin H
Diet-to-Go Community Manager
Caitlin is a journalist by trade and an avid runner. She is passionate about maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle and encouraging people to engage in common-sense eating. Caitlin believes in living a well-rounded life, to include balancing time with family, friends, fitness and food.
Follow Caitlin on Twitter @CaitlinHendee