Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. Weekly Round-Up - Week Ending on 5/24/2013

    Would you rather lose a grand or gain 20 pounds? Survey says … and other top stories. Plus, celebrity weight loss interviews, great blogs from around the web and the most fascinating diet and health-related studies - all in one convenient place.

    Featured Story

    Would you rather lose $1,000 or gain 20 pounds?
    USA Today
    By: Nanci Hellmich

    Survey says: People would rather drop the cash then pick up the pounds. More than 50 percent of Americans (especially women) are more concerned with their weight than with the dollars in their pocketbook. As obesity rates rise, the value placed on being healthy and fit will continue to grow. All the more reason to continue on your wellness journey. Read more →

    News & Articles

    Healthy diet and lifestyle essential to battle the bulge
    Indian Express
    By Ishi Khosla

    There’s a growing (and somewhat encouraging) trend where more and more young people are slipping on the running shoes and trying to battle the bulge that consumes so much of the U.S. population. This article highlights the trends in India and what is causing the U.S. culture to come over to their culture. The author argues for a multi-system integrated approach, as well as government policy, to combat the growing problem of obesity in Indian culture. Read more →

    New food map shows updated nutrition facts, ingredients in different brands
    The Denver Channel via The Associated Press
    By: Mary Claire Jalonick

    Researchers from the University of North Carolina are working to create a new, large food map that shows the real nutritional facts in foods. The move comes as a response to the current standard for nutritional information, which is set by the government and often inaccurate. The researchers hope to set new standards for nutrition, forcing companies to cut back on sugar and sodium to combat disease and other issues. Read more →

    Restaurants: Americans are Ditching the Wallet Diet
    Wall St. Cheat Sheet
    By: Eric McWhinnie

    Expanding wallets equal expanding waistlines. At least that’s what the most recent data says when it comes to Americans insatiable desire to eat out every week. Check out the recent money-spending stats for the full breakdown on how much Amricans are spending n eating out this year compared to last. Read more →

    Weight Loss/Obesity Management Market Worth $361 Billion by 2017
    Markets and Markets
    via: PR Newswire

    Yikes. As Americans waistlines grow, so apparently does the market trying to keep them in tow. So much so that by the time you’ve added just a few years to your current age, the weight loss market will rival technology and media. Check out this report for the full breakdown. Read more →

    Army Wife Surprises Husband with 96-Pound Weight Loss on His Return from Afghanistan
    ABC News
    By: Suzan Clarke

    Touching story about an army wife who went above and beyond to welcome her husband home from the combat zone by losing 96 pounds and looking fabulous. Read more →

    Disney Channel forced to pull episode of hit TV show “Jessie” that ‘mocks’ and ‘humiliates’ putting a child on gluten-free diet
    Daily Mail UK
    By: Sadie Whitlocks

    Gluten free is all the rage, but very few of us actually need to be on the diet, as it was originally intended for treating those with celiac disease. That being said, the Disney Channel recently came under some fire after it mocked the idea of going gluten-free in an episode of its popular TV series, “Jessie.” Thousands of parents complained it made fun of kids with allergies, so the popular kids’ network yanked the episode. Read more →

    Celebrity Weight Loss

    Mo’Nique Weight Loss: Dropping 82 Pounds ‘Feels Amazing’
    CP Entertainment
    Emma Koonse

    The academy-award winning actress recently lost 82 pounds, and now she’s telling how she did it. She uses a combination of weight training, yoga, running, sit-ups and walks to work towards her goal of weight 190 pounds (currently she’s 218). Read more →

    Chaz Bono 65-lbs Weight Loss: ‘I Feel So Much Better’
    CP Entertainment
    By: Jessica Roriguez

    Far surpassing his initial 50-pound weight loss goal, Chaz Bono is still shedding the pounds and gaining the muscular physique. He even uses Twitter to promote his lifestyle change, and talks about changing his whole mindset, not just trying new diets. Read more →

    Christina Aguilera is fit and fab following incredible weight loss
    By: Samantha Change

    The short woman with the beautiful voice showed up at the Billboard Music Awards looking stunning in her little black dress - showcasing a brand new body after packing on quite a few pounds following her divorce. Read more →

    Khloe Kardashian: A Lean, Mean, Exercising Machine! Talks About How She Slimmed Down!
    Fit Perez

    Khloe is looking more and more slim and toned, as she continues hitting the gym and eating right to slim down for summer. How did she do it? By not depriving herself, exercising often and embracing a lifestyle change. Read more →


    Weight Loss Gadgets: 20 Reasons to Buy a Pedometer
    Times of India
    By: Sobiya N. Moghul

    How many times have you heard that parking further from the entrance of the store and walking can make is a small change that can make a big difference? What if you had a device attached to actually track that process? Pedometers are great because they give you a way to not only stay accountable with the number of steps you’re walking, but also to get excited about how much further you could go. Check out this article on other great reasons to make the small investment into purchasing a decent pedometer. Read more →

    4 Reasons Insects Will Soon Be a Staple of Your Diet
    By: Evan V. Symon

    Gross - but fascinating - blog post about why Westerners should hop on board the bug-eating train. In light of a recently-released U.N. report, we’re probably going to need to start eating them anyway. Read more →

    Circumnavigating the Globe
    Is This Really My Life?
    Emily Hill

    If you’re a parent, then it’s highly likely that you’ve had some frustrating experiences. Figuring out when to be happy, when to be mad, how to reward, how to punish, etc. can be quite the adventure. As Emi puts (and explains) in her blog post, it’s like, “circumnavigating the globe.” Definitely a fun post to check out. Read more →

    Extreme Home Makeover: TPD Edition - The Reveal!
    The Purple Giraffe
    Janine Ryan

    After quite a lot of hard work - to include busting up old eighties decor - Janine’s kitchen remodel is finally complete! And it is quite stunning. As she puts it, “we went from old and drab to contemporary and fab!” And did she ever. Check out all the great photos and learn about what makes this remodel unique. Read more →

    Fashion Tips for Moms
    Come Back Momma
    Jenn Mitchell

    If you’re a mom, between picking the kids up from school, running errands, soccer practice and whatever, caring about what you look like can definitely take the back-burner. But as a hard-working mother, it’s important that you take the time to look and feel your best as well. That’s why you don’t want to miss Jenn’s post, complete with photos and a GREAT list of tips you can (and really should) use to make sure you’re hard work at getting healthy shines through even more by dressing great too. Read more →


    Fitness at middle age is important for heart health
    MedPage Today

    Researchers have found that a sustained improvement in fitness levels will decrease the risk of heart failure hospitalization over time. This study takes the fact that improved health can decrease mortality and applies it much more specifically by looking at the way it can improve heart health in particular. Read more →

    Fitness protects you from cancer, even 20 years later
    via: NBC News
    By: Maggie Fox

    Researchers at the University of Vermont studied the fitness levels of men over the course of 20-25 years and found that the men who were unable to perform well on a treadmill test were more likely to die later in life of cancer or heart disease than those who performed well. The way the study was conducted was quite fascinating. Read more →

    Study Finds Cash Incentives Can Result in Weight Loss
    By: Tol Williams

    The Mayo Clinic’s most recent study found that the chance to win money is enough incentive to help people lose weight. By offering dieters a mere $20 a month to lose weight, people were four times more likely to succeed. Read more →

    Weight Loss Could Help with Chronic Heartburn
    Digestive Disease Week (Meeting)
    via: Counsel & Heal -- Cheri Cheng

    Do you ever feel that burning sensation after a meal? That awful pain in your throat and chest? Then read on. Overweight and obese people who suffer from chronic heartburn can decrease their symptoms pretty significantly by losing weight. Read more →

    Fluid, sodium restrictions have no effect on weight loss in ADHF patients
    JAMA Internal Medicine
    via: Medical News

    If you’ve been diagnosed with acute decompensated heart failure, then restricting your diet by limiting sodium and fluid levels may not be as useful to weight loss as previously thought. Big news, considering they used to be one of the primary methods used. Read more →

    Mediterranean diet kills cancer cells?
    via: The Times of India

    Researchers from Ohio State University found that a compound abundant in the Mediterranean diet can actually re-educate cancer cells and convert them into cells that die as scheduled. More evidence that nutrition plays a crucial, extremely important role in overall health. Read more →

    Mother’s diet may harm baby’s IQ
    via: IOL Lifestyle

    Expecting mothers in the UK and nationally may need to consider supplementing their iodine intake if they want to ensure their children do better in school. Even a moderate deficiency of iodine - found in foods like fish, yogurt and milk - can cause children to be born with a significantly lower IQ. Milk mustache time anyone? Read more →


    Author: Caitlin H
    Diet-to-Go Community Manager

    Caitlin is a journalist by trade and an avid runner. She is passionate about maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle and encouraging people to engage in common-sense eating. Caitlin believes in living a well-rounded life, to include balancing time with family, friends, fitness and food.

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