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Exercise Tips
  1. Don't Want to Eat Less? Learn to Move More

    Don't Want to Eat Less? Learn to Move More

    What’s a person to do if their calorie budget has no wiggle room? Get moving!

    Weight-loss and weight-gain are both calorie-in, calorie-out equations. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) generally puts the average adult’s calorie budget at 2,000 calories. While that's the official guideline, your actual calorie needs vary, depending on a variety of factors. A calorie calculator will take into consideration your gender, height, weight, age, goals and activity level and give you a specific number for how many calories you should consume each day.

  2. Exercise SMARTER With HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training

    Exercise SMARTER With HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training

    Did you know that you don't have to exercise full throttle for hours in order to lose weight? In fact, you may actually be wasting precious time and energy because your body responds similarly (if not better) to SHORTER bursts of high intensity. HIIT – or high intensity interval training – can help you burn many more calories in the same amount of time.

  3. 10 Reasons Women NEED to Lift Weights

    Total wellness expert Alicia Kirschenheiter says women should embrace weight training rather than turn and run scared for the cardio machines.Weight training will not leave a woman looking like a muscular freak. When done properly, weight training wll help you slim down, tone up and get healthier!Check out the 10 reasons you may want to put down that cell phone and pick up a weight.10 Reasons Women NEED to Lift WeightsIn the past few years there has been a barrage of information regarding the importance of strength training for woman, yet whenever I have introduced the idea to any of...

  4. Belly Up: 6 Good Exercises for a Tighter Core

    When you hear the word core, what comes to mind? Abs? Lower back? Obliques? If you thought one or more of these answers, you're partially right. Basically, your core comprises all the muscles that are responsible for moving and stabilizing the trunk or spine.Simply, your core is your body without arms and legs. If there's any weakness in any muscle of this system, your core is compromised.I hear all the time about people who have strong abs, but a bad back. One of the reasons is because they do 5,000,000 crunches a day and neglect the other muscles of the...

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