Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

    Now that Thanksgiving is over, it’s officially the holiday season. And you know what that means…it’s inevitable, there’s no way around, of course you’re going to gain weight over the holidays. Wrong. It’s not a done deal. There are ways to avoid holiday weight gain. With some preparation and conscientious effort, you can buck the trend and not gain weight this holiday season.

  2. Staying Dedicated to your Diet Through the Holidays

    It started off innocently enough: just a small taste of some leftover Halloween candy. And then a co-worker brought in some cookies and you had a sampling, and then there’s that party next week… 

    How can you stay dedicated to your diet through the holidays? 

  3. Exercising Outdoors in the Cold: Yes!

    We all know how important exercise is to your overall health and weight loss efforts, but what about when it starts to get cold? Can you stay motivated and moving when it’s cold outside? Yes you can! Just because Jack Frost has started nipping at your nose doesn’t mean you need to be forced inside or give up your exercise routine. With just a few precautions exercising outdoors in the cold can be quite fun and beneficial...

  4. Meal Planning: Losing Weight and Keeping it Off!

    Consider all the places you eat: home, restaurants, at friends’ houses, maybe even your car? Opportunities to thwart healthy eating are everywhere! But if you take the time to plan ahead you’ll be better able to handle the situation and won’t succumb to last minute temptations or just the (perceived) exhaustion of planning out a meal. Meal planning may seem like a daunting task but consider the benefits...

  5. Ways to Sneak in Exercise Every Day

    Life is busy. You barely have time to pick up your Diet-to-Go meals in between running errands, work and well, just life. If the thought of exercising on top of it all is just too much, don’t fret. There are easy ways to sneak in exercise every day. And the good news is, you don’t have to spend hours at the gym or run 10 miles a day to reap the benefits of exercising. You just need to...

  6. Fiber: Effective Weight Loss Weapon

    We can't digest it, and it passes through our system without adding any nutritional benefits, but we still need it! We're talking fiber. Fiber is one of the most effective weight loss weapons out there. And chances are, you’re probably not getting enough.

  7. Portion Control

    Portion sizes have become huge! Over the last couple of decades the portion sizes of everything from pasta to hamburgers to bagels have doubled (sometimes tripled!) in size. And countless studies have shown that the bigger the portion size, the more we tend eat. We need to stop. The problem: We can’t control our portions if we don’t know what a proper portion size is.

  8. Put a Stop to Halloween Candy Diet Disasters!

    You knew it was coming. It starts with the pumpkins, some hay bales, and then before you know it…it’s everywhere. Candy. Giant bags of candy everywhere you turn. And it’s all at irresistible prices. I mean, who can pass up a 5-pound bag of candy corn for only $1.50? The allure is overpowering. It’s almost Halloween and Halloween Candy is upon us, and that’s just plain scary when it comes to our diet. But it doesn’t have to be that way. This year you can...

  9. Hunger vs. Craving

    Ooh imagine, salty French Fries or what about warm, gooey chocolate brownies, just out of the oven…are you suddenly hungry? Or are you just craving them now? Can you tell the difference?

    We often confuse these terms -- hunger and craving -- but there really is a big difference between the two. And, before you can get your weight under control (and keep it there) you need to understand the difference between them, how to identify when you’re experiencing one or another, and manage your responses accordingly.

  10. Enter Diet-to-Go's Spectacular Twitter Giveaway!

    Diet-to-Go is so excited about our new website and we want to share the joy. Simply sign up for Twitter (go to: and get a free account), follow Diet-to-Go and Retweet this message: "I just entered to win over $1K in prizes from Diet-to-Go! Follow @diettogo and RT this to enter #DTGcontest" and you’ll officially be entered in our Spectacular Twitter Giveaway! 

  11. Fall in love with Fall!

    Fall is such a fantastic time of the year. Sure, summer’s gone and with it’s abundance of fresh fruit, summer vacations and long, warm days. But just because it gets dark earlier and the temperatures are starting to drop, that’s no reason to hibernate. There are so many wonderful things about this time of year, you won’t be able to help but fall in love with Fall!

  12. Waste of Time Weight Loss Methods

    In our time starved world the last thing we want to do is waste time trying to lose weight. You put the effort in…you want to see results. Since the dawn of time, at least the dawn of dieting, people have tried practically everything to lose weight from eating only lemons for days on end to purposely swallowing poisons to induce vomiting. Not only are these weight loss methods dangerous, but most are also completely ineffective and a waste of time. While they may cause some initial weight loss, the results are not permanent.

    Don’t waste your time with these!

  13. Sleep and our Weight

    We know a lack of sleep can make us unfocused, lethargic and grumpy. But did you also know a lack of sleep can make us gain weight? Studies have shown that there is a direct link between sleep deprivation and weight gain...

  14. October Ingredient of the Month: Pumpkin

    Think of fall and what comes to your mind? Chances are it’s something along the lines of cooler temperatures, leaves changing colors and pumpkins. You’d be hard pressed to find another food that is so closely associated with a season. Pumpkins just... 

  15. Benefits of Eating Foods in Season

    It used to be you could only get cherries in summer or parsley in the spring. But in today’s world of global commerce, eating almost anything, at almost any time of the year is commonplace, but is that a good thing? Should we try to eat foods that are in season more often? We hear about eating locally, but what about seasonally? Are there benefits to eating foods in season? Yes. Eating foods that are in season is...

  16. Are Trans Fats Really That Bad?

    Knowing what to eat and what to avoid to be healthy can be confusing at best; especially when it comes to fat. For years we were told to avoid eating any fat at all. Then we were told that it’s important we eat some "good" fats, but to stay away from "bad" fats. And no matter what, never, ever eat trans fats...

  17. Quick, Healthy Breakfasts

    You know that eating a healthy breakfast is important. You've probably heard about all the studies that have shown that eating a nutritious breakfast will help you lose weight. But knowing what you're supposed to do and what you actually do, are two different things, especially when you are short on time. Preparing and eating a quick, healthy breakfast is not always feasible; or so it may seem. It seems inevitable, no matter what time you set your alarm for, your mornings are rushed. Well, maybe not always but definitely...

  18. Calorie One - Calorie, Exercise & Weight Tracker Mobile App Review

    Countless studies have shown that keeping a food journal is one of the most effective ways to keep your weight loss on track. And with the advent of smart phones and other mobile devices, keeping a diet and exercise journal has never been easier. There are countless apps out there...

  19. HCG: A Diet Dream or Just Another Scam?

    Human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body during pregnancy. In a pregnant woman, HCG signals the hypothalamus to mobilize fat stores, which helps the body bring nutrients into the placenta, fueling the fetus with the energy it needs to grow. So how did a pregnancy hormone become synonymous with weight loss? HCG...

  20. Feature Ingredient of the Month: Broccoli

    For years it has been the go-to punishment for parents, "eat your broccoli or else..." But maybe those parents were on to something. We should be eating our broccoli. Broccoli is a nutritional gold mine. Broccoli has been shown to...

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